Arm Lift
with Dr. Yates

What is an arm lift?

An arm lift (Brachioplasty) is a procedure to treat loose upper arm skin. Depending on the degree of skin laxity it can be done with liposuction alone, or with unwanted skin removal. Arm liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure and incisions are less than 1cm in the underarm and elbow region. Arm lifting procedures are a powerful way to give you the arm contour you desire. Dr. Yates always tries to minimize scars, and hide the incision on the inner aspect of the arm.

What are the benefits of an arm lift?

Removing excess skin and fat in arms , Note: Scarring may occur if skin needs to be removed (preference is straight liposuction)

Am I a good candidate for an arm lift?

Good candidates have excess skin and fat in arms. If you lost a considerable amount of weight and you are left with saggy skin at the level of the upper arms, the chances are you are a good candidate for arm lift surgery. However, there are more factors to consider when assessing your eligibility for the arms lift surgery. Among these factors, we can mention:

  • Good health and emotional condition
  • No preexisting health issues that could affect the recovery period
  • Realistic expectations from the surgery
  • Excess of skin sagginess at the level of the arms

What should I do to prepare for my arm lift?

  • Optimize your nutrition
  • Stabilize your weight

Preparation for the arms lift surgery is not much different from preparing for surgery in general. One thing that is important to mention from the start is that you will be allowed to make limited arms movements. This means that you won’t be able to stretch your arms to reach that upper shelf. To avoid these situations, you should prepare your home and your body for the procedure.

When it comes to preparing the body, you should have a balanced diet and include nutritious food that will give the body what it needs for the recovery period. Avoid overeating, as well as drastic diets as they can complicate the healing process.

Preparing your home for the recovery period is mostly about thinking about where you want to set up your resting nest and making sure you have enough food, drinks, and entertainment available and nearby. The arms lift surgery is a complex intervention. Stock the fridge and pantry so you don’t find yourself in the situation of having to cook during those first days. Also, the recommendation is to get someone to drive you home from the clinic where the procedure is performed and stay with you for at least two to three days post-op to help you around the house.

Make sure that the room you’ll be in during the recovery has clean sheets, movies, books, or whatever you’d like to do during the recovery. Talk to your friends and family members about the recovery period, what you need and what you can and can’t do, and make sure they understand the conditions and can help you out if you need this.

How much does an arm lift cost?

On average, $4,500 plus anesthesia and facility fees ($3,000). Each patient is different and costs may vary based on complexity.

What is the recovery process for an arm lift?

If you are well-prepared and know what to expect, the recovery period after an arms lift surgery is not too difficult. Most patients experience a mild level of discomfort and pain that can be easily alleviated with the help of analgesic medication. Dr. Yates might also prescribe antibiotics after the surgery to help you avoid an infection.

During the first few weeks post-op is important to avoid ample arms movements and not to put any pressure on the incisions. Having a balanced diet and resting is also crucial for a smooth and fast recovery period. Strenuous activities should be avoided for at least four weeks after the surgery.

You should also avoid smoking as it can trigger complications that could otherwise be avoided. Smoking can prolong the healing process as it won’t allow for proper oxygenation of the tissues.

You will wear a garment for 6 weeks, scars can spread in this area, 6 weeks before returning to the gym.

Arm Lift Surgery FAQs

What Is Done in An Arm Lift (Brachioplasty) Surgery?

The arm lift surgery aims to restore the beautiful shape of the upper arms by eliminating the excess skin in the area. When Brachioplasty is performed, the surgeon will make an incision on the inner side of the arms. The incision can go from the elbow to the armpit. Despite being quite a long incision, the scars left after Brachioplasty are barely visible due to the placement. After the surgeon makes the incision, the excess skin and fat tissue are removed. Liposuction is sometimes associated with arm lift surgery to help the patient get the best possible results. After the saggy skin is removed, the plastic surgeon will suture the incisions and place compressive bandages on top.

What Is the Benefit of Arm Lift Surgery?

The main benefit of arm lift surgery is getting rid of the bingo wings, or batwings, as they are called. After considerable weight loss or due to the natural aging process, excess saggy skin can occur at the level of the upper part of the arms creating the unsightly batwing effect. People confronted with excess skin on the upper arms can avoid wearing certain clothes and can even experience discomfort and pain due to skin chaffing and other dermatological conditions. After the surgery, most patients discover that they have more clothing options, and the skin issues associated with excess skin disappear, most often without additional treatment. Increased confidence and a boost of self-esteem are other potential benefits of Brachioplasty surgery.

Will I Have Loose Skin After My Liposuction Surgery?

Arms liposuction could be a good treatment option for patients with good skin tonus and underlying fat deposits. However, liposuction might not deliver the best results if the patient is also confronted with saggy skin on the arms. Satisfactory results after liposuction can only be achieved if the skin retracts on the new contours and the arms look toned and firm. Otherwise, loose skin might occur after arm liposuction. In this case, a Brachioplasty can correct the imperfection and help the patient get firm and smooth arms.

Is Loose Skin Surgery Worth It?

Loose skin surgery can be a great option for patients dealing with loose skin after massive weight loss or other causes. Generally speaking, patients are left with saggy skin at the level of the breasts, tummy, and upper arms after losing weight. The saggy skin can be more accentuated in older patients as the skin losses firmness as we age. If the sagginess at the level of the breasts and the tummy can be less visible with good clothing options, the arms sagginess can become a problem as it can make it difficult for you to choose flattering clothing. People with saggy skin on the upper arms often end up avoiding wearing swimsuits or sleeveless tops. Loose skin surgery can help you eliminate all the issues associated with batwings – discomfort caused by skin chaffing and irritation, among others.

Is Surgery the Only Way to Get Rid of Loose Skin?

If we are talking about an excess of fat tissue, it can be reduced in some cases with diet and physical exercise. However, when it comes to loose skin, there is no other option to correct it than with the help of plastic surgery. In other words, surgery is the only way to get rid of loose skin if it doesn’t retract on the new contours of the arms after weight loss occurs.

How Can We Tighten Loose Skin After Bariatric Surgery?

Bariatric surgery can help patients lose a considerable amount of weight in a matter of months. Most often, the weight loss associated with bariatric surgery comes at a cost – loose skin on different areas of the body. The delicate skin on the arms is often affected by sudden weight loss, and saggy skin can occur. Brachioplasty surgery can be used to correct loose skin that can occur on the arms after bariatric surgery. To get the best results, Brachioplasty can be associated with a tummy tuck or breast lift surgery, depending on the patient’s needs and desired results.

How Do I Tighten My Arms After Losing Weight?

Some people find it difficult to enjoy their weight loss results when they are left with saggy skin in different areas of the body. Excess skin on the arms is a visible and quite annoying issue, especially since it can hardly be covered in hot weather. This is the reason why patients resort to plastic surgery to get firm and smooth arms. The procedure performed to tighten the arms after losing weight is called Brachioplasty or arms lift surgery, and it is often performed together with other excess skin reduction procedures.

Arm Lift
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