Breast Implants – Before and After Pregnancy

Many of the patients interested in undergoing the breast augmentation procedure to enhance the aspect of their breasts have questions about the potential effects of the breast implants in case a new pregnancy occurs. Is it better to get the implants before or after the pregnancy? How will breasts with implants change after the pregnancy? These are just a few of their concerns.

Pregnancy comes with many changes to the body, not all of them very pleasant. And the reality is that after childbirth, it is just a certain percentage of women that can easily get back to their pre-pregnancy body. Breasts are often affected by pregnancy and breastfeeding, and there is not much that can be done to improve their appearance, aside from resorting to plastic surgery.

Changes in the Breasts During Pregnancy

During the nine months of pregnancy, the breasts can increase their volume as the body prepares for breastfeeding. After childbirth or after the breastfeeding stops, the volume of the breasts gradually decreases. These fluctuations of the volume can lead to stretch marks on the breasts and other alterations of the shape of the breasts. Some women notice a lack of volume on the upper pole of the breasts after pregnancy and breastfeeding. As a result, the breasts can look a bit deflated and even sagging on the chest wall.


The changes at the level of the breasts affect all women alike – whether they had breast augmentation surgery with implants or not.

Breast Implant Surgery After Pregnancy

Women resort to breast enhancement procedures after they are done having children to correct the imperfections that can occur at the level of the breasts and gain more volume. Most often, in this case, breast implants are inserted while a breast lift is also performed. The breast sagginess that can occur after pregnancy and breastfeeding can’t be corrected with just a breast augmentation as the excess of skin needs to be removed and the mammary gland repositioned. This is the reason why breast lift surgery is often necessary.

The breast implants procedure can be scheduled after at least six months after breastfeeding stopped. We need to give the breasts some time to get back closer to their initial shape after the changes that occurred during this time. Undergoing a breast lift with implants can completely transform the aspect of the breasts. You can get perky breasts and look years younger after the intervention.

Breast Implants Surgery Before Pregnancy

When the emotional distress is significant, patients choose to undergo breast augmentation surgery early in life. It’s natural to want to look your best and benefit from all life has to offer without being self-aware all the time. With younger patients, it’s always important to discuss what happens later. Breast implants are not life-long devices; they should be replaced after some time. In other words, if you’re getting breast implants in your 20s, the chances are that you might need to replace them sooner or later in life. Revision surgery might also be needed after pregnancy and breastfeeding because of the changes that can occur during this time at the level of the breasts.

How Long Should You Wait After the Breast Augmentation Before getting Pregnant?

The recommendation is to avoid an ulterior pregnancy for a minimum of six months, preferably more. Your body and your breasts need time to heal after the intervention. It can take up to eight or twelve months for the final results of the breast augmentation surgery to show up. The incisions take longer to heal, but the breast implants also need time to drop into place and settle.

Breastfeeding After Breast Implants Surgery

Generally speaking, the breast augmentation procedure doesn’t affect the patient’s ability to breastfeed in the future. However, this aspect is dependent on the type of incision and placement of the implant preferred. For example, when the periareolar incision is used, there is a higher risk of damage to the milk ducts and nerves as the plastic surgeon cuts through the glandular tissue to be able to insert the implants. The inframammary incision is probably the best option for patients considering an ulterior pregnancy. When the inframammary incision is used, the mammary gland less affected, especially when the implants are inserted in pockets under the muscles or in a dual plane. In other words, undergoing a breast augmentation procedure doesn’t equal an inability to breastfeed.

Is a Breast Lift Necessary After Pregnancy and Breastfeeding with Implants?

The breasts can become heavier during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Their shape can change because of this, and they might or might not get back to their initial shape and size after breastfeeding stops. It’s possible for some women who had breast implants inserted before pregnancy to enjoy the results of the intervention even after breastfeeding. But it’s also possible for some women to need a breast lift. It’s very difficult to tell beforehand how pregnancy and breastfeeding will affect the condition of your breasts.

A breast lift surgery can be performed on women with breast lift after pregnancy and breastfeeding to correct the breasts' size and shape.

Final Words

Breast implant surgery can be performed before or after pregnancy. When the implants are inserted before getting pregnant, the patient should know that the aspect of the breasts might change in time, after the pregnancy and breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is possible with breast implants, and the implants are safe for the mother and the baby too.

Undergoing the breast implants procedure after pregnancy and breastfeeding can help you get a better size and shape of the breasts – in other words, get the breasts of your dreams!

Please feel free to contact the Yates Institute for Plastic Surgery in Fort Lauderdale to find out all the details about the breast augmentation procedure. Dr. Essie Yates, our experienced board-certified plastic surgeon, would love to hear from you!


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