Gynecomastia - Plastic Surgery to Treat Enlarged Breasts in Men

While overly attractive in women, enlarged breasts in men are no fun at all. A muscular, chiseled chest is considered one of the symbols of masculine beauty. And it can be achieved with the right kind of diet and physical exercises routine, in most cases. However, it's not that easy for all men. And it's certainly a big issue for men suffering from gynecomastia.

Enlarged breasts can cause real emotional distress and make men overly self-aware. And we know that confidence is sexy, so what can you do to win this battle? You can choose not to live with gynecomastia! The solution comes from plastic surgery – let's have a look at the details!

What is gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia represents the excessive growth of the breast tissues in men. The condition can affect one or both breasts, and it can be present in different stages from barely visible to very obvious. The estimates show that the condition affects up to 65% of adult males, so it's not that uncommon, as some might believe. It can occur at different ages, starting with puberty, and the most common cause of gynecomastia is hormonal (the increase in estrogen levels and the decrease in testosterone). Gynecomastia can also be caused by certain medication, alcohol, and drug use, as well as obesity.

Enlarged breasts in men – diagnosis of gynecomastia

Man with Ideal Pecks

Man with Ideal Pecks

The breasts' volume increases due to the excessive growth of the fat layer or an abnormal development of the mammary gland tissue. When an accumulation of fat causes the feminine-looking breasts, we call this a pseudo-gynecomastia. But when the growth of the glandular tissue is driving the condition, then it is gynecomastia.

While it might sound like the pseudo-gynecomastia could be treated with a weight loss diet, this is rarely the case. Fat localized at the chest level could be hard to get rid of, even if the patient keeps a balanced and healthy diet and exercise regimen. This is the reason why the surgical option might be preferred to treat both pseudo-gynecomastia and gynecomastia. However, keep in mind that the recommended procedures are different.

Pseudo-gynecomastia can be easily treated in most cases with chest liposuction. The plastic surgeon can eliminate the excess fat and sculpt the chest during a liposuction intervention. However, to be eligible for a liposuction intervention, the patient needs to have good skin tonus. Otherwise, saggy skin might be left behind.

When the breast enlargement is due to the abnormal development of the mammary tissue, a different procedure is performed. This plastic surgery intervention is called gynecomastia and is similar to the breast reduction surgery performed on women.

Who is an eligible candidate for gynecomastia surgery?

The procedure is recommended for you if you:

-       Have good health and emotional condition and realistic expectations from the surgery

-       Have a normal weight

-       Are suffering emotional or physical distress due to the excessive volume of the breasts

-       Have clear goals for the surgery

Gynecomastia – how is the surgery performed?

In most cases, the patient is under general anesthesia when the gynecomastia procedure is performed. The plastic surgeon begins by making an incision on the inferior edge of the areola. The skin is detached from the breasts, and the excess of mammary tissue is excised. After this step, the incision is sutured, and a drain tube might be inserted at the surgical wound level to prevent blood and fluid accumulation. Depending from patient to patient, the plastic surgeon might recommend liposuction to be performed in association with the breast reduction procedure to get the best results possible. All the details about the operative plan and the recovery period are discussed during the pre-operative consultation with the plastic surgeon.

The recovery period after gynecomastia

While gynecomastia is a complex plastic surgery procedure, the recovery time is usually of a few days and up to a week. The patient can resume most of the daily activities within a few days from the surgery; however, there is a set of specific instructions that need to be followed to ensure a quick and uneventful recovery process. One of the things you should do after undergoing a gynecomastia procedure is to avoid any type of pressure at the level of the chest for a minimum of one month or until the incisions are fully healed. The patient should avoid bare-chest sun exposure for at least twelve months post-op to ensure minimal and barely visible scarring.

Resuming the exercise program or going back to the gym is possible after 1-2 months after the surgery – the plastic surgeon will monitor your recovery process and tell you when it's safe to start working out again.

Final words

You don't have to live the rest of your life with feminine-looking breasts. Gynecomastia can be easily corrected with plastic surgery. To find out all the details about the procedure, schedule a consultation today with Dr. Essie Yates, a board-certified plastic surgeon, in Fort Lauderdale. Dr. Essie Yates has plenty of experience treating enlarged breasts in men and can help you achieve the results you want and a chest to be proud of.



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