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How long recovery takes after a neck lift

Loose skin and wrinkles at the level of the neck are often some of the most visible signs of aging. Unfortunately, the passing of time leaves its marks on different areas of the body, and the neck is no different. However, there is good news too! Nowadays, patients can choose to undergo a plastic surgery procedure that can reverse the signs of aging at the level of the neck. The procedure is known as a neck lift in popular terms or as platysmaplasty in medical jargon. As the name suggests, the neck lift aims to lift the loose skin on the neck to create a more supple and youthful-looking contour of the area. How is the procedure performed, and how long recovery takes after this intervention? Let’s discover together all the details of the neck lift surgery!

How is the neck lift performed?

The plastic surgeon makes incisions behind the ears or under the chin to be able to redrape loose skin and eliminate the excess tissue. This means that the scars left behind after this intervention are minimal and barely visible, as they are hidden in the natural folds of the skin.

The neck lift might be performed as a stand-alone procedure or together with other interventions such as brow lift, facelift, and even dermal fillers to get a superior result or to better harmonize the features of the face. The surgical plan is designed together with the plastic surgeon during the initial consultation.

And while we’re talking about other procedures that can be performed at the same time with the neck lift, we need to mention chin lipo too. The neck lift is a very efficient procedure when it comes to eliminating loose skin that is in excess at the level of the neck. However, if the patient is confronted with excess adipose tissue at the level of the neck and chin, the neck lift won’t be enough to recontour the area. Chin liposuction is often performed with a neck lift to get the best results possible.

Neck lift surgery indications

You can find out if the neck lift is the suitable surgical approach in your particular case by scheduling a consultation with our talented and experienced board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Essie Yates, here in Fort Lauderdale, at the Yates Institute for Plastic Surgery. During this consultation, Dr. Yates will check your medical history, and you’ll get a chance to ask all the questions you have about the procedure.

If you are bothered with the loose skin on the neck, then it might be a good time for your plastic surgery consultation. If you are trying to find clothes that hide the wrinkles on the neck or you feel prematurely aged because of this aspect of the neck, the neck lift procedure performed by Dr. Essie Yates could restore the beautiful aspect of the neck and boost your confidence and self-esteem levels.

What to expect during the neck lift procedure?

As we mentioned before, the intervention is pretty straightforward and performed either with local or general anesthetic. The plastic surgeon makes incisions at the back of the ears, under the chin, or in both areas, detaches the skin from the underlying tissues, and redrapes it for a more aesthetic and firm appearance. After the skin is redraped, the excess skin is excised, and the incisions are sutured. The procedure doesn’t usually last more than two hours, but the operative time is dependent on the complexity of each case and whether the neck lift is performed in association with other procedures.

Recovery after the neck lift surgery

Many patients interested in undergoing the neck lift want to know how long recovery takes and how is the healing process after this intervention. Usually, patients experience a certain level of swelling, numbness, and discomfort in the first few days following the neck lift intervention. Swelling and bruising are common side effects of any type of surgical intervention, but they often subside within a matter of a week or two post-op. To alleviate the discomfort and make the side effects disappear sooner, the patient can use cold compressions to the area.

The plastic surgeon prescribed analgesic medication, as well as antibiotics for the first-week post-op. Analgesic medication has a role in minimizing any discomfort that the patient might experience, while antibiotics are prescribed to reduce the risk of infection.

Most patients can resume regular activities and even work 10 to 14 days after the surgery. To make the recovery period as short as possible, it’s important to follow the indications of the plastic surgeon and get enough rest to allow the body to recover from the surgery.

The age of the patient, as well as underlying health conditions, can also affect the length of the recovery process. Make sure to discuss your medical history in detail with the plastic surgeon during the initial consultation to get a better understand of how long the recovery might take in your particular case.

Final words

The neck lift is a surgical intervention performed to rejuvenate the aspect of the neck. In some cases, the intervention is performed together with chin liposuction to better contour the neck. The neck lift procedure often takes about two hours, and the patient can return home within hours after waking up from the effects of the local or general anesthesia used. Upon the return home, the recovery process begins. To smoothly navigate the recovery period, patients are advised to follow the indications of the plastic surgeon. In most cases, the recovery period after a neck lift doesn’t take longer than 10 to 14 days.