YIPS 2021

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How Much Does A Lifestyle Lift Cost? Comparing The Procedure With Facelift

Investing your hard-earned money in a procedure that can be practiced by non-plastic surgeons is a risky step. Lifestyle lift is a patented surgical procedure that can be practiced by anyone who has received training for it. However, you should know that the lifestyle lift procedure has received some pretty negative reviews.

The procedure started in 2001, as a promised low-cost mini facelift surgery but with some serious consequences. Lifestyle lift boasts little to no scars that may fade with time, but patient reviews speak otherwise. The company also faced charges for promoting fake reviews and has seen many lawsuits.

However, this procedure was considered by many patients because of their low rates. The cost of lifestyle lift can range between $3,500 and $10,650. The thought of having your face redone by some who is not a surgeon sounds ludicrous. Still, cheap rates attracted many people into chasing this procedure.

What Was The Lifestyle Procedure Like?

Lifestyle lift was a one-size-fits-all procedure and a mini-facelift. The surgery involved making an incision on the back and the front of the ear, which would adjust the excess skin and fat. The patients were kept under local anesthesia meaning only the surgical part would be numb while the patient was awake.

After making the incisions, the surgeon would pull the tissues and fold the excess muscles while adjusting them into places. This would put pressure on the incision, and the scars would widen.

According to patient review, the results of lifestyle lift were not promising and would cause a lot of pain and irritation.

What Happened To Lifestyle Lift?

The lifestyle lift chain closed down in 2015, and the company faced some major losses. Some of these were due to the New York state's penalty, and most of the setbacks were from patient reviews. The company first came under scrutiny in 2008 when it filed a lawsuit against a competitor for trademark infringements.

Things only got messier from here on, and the reviews on lifestyle lift were scrutinized for authenticity. Upon confirmation, the reviews were pulled down, and the company went downhill from there.

What Is a Facelift Surgery?

Facelift surgery is an authentic procedure that removes the signs of aging, excess fat, and stretched skin from the face. It lifts the face to give a more youthful appearance and tightens the jawline muscles for a clean-cut look.

Traditional facelift surgery is very different from lifestyle lift. For starters, it is only practiced by certified plastic surgeons who have an ample amount of experience. Moreover, the procedure does not tuck away excess skin and fat, which causes the scars to widen. Instead, the incisions are carefully catered, and the excess skin is removed, leaving little to no visible scars.

Traditional Facelift Procedure

Step 1: Anesthesia

The procedure begins after sedating the patient. It will be your choice whether you go for local anesthesia or general. However, your doctor would recommend you the best option depending on your procedure.

Step 2: Incision 

In traditional facelift surgery, the incision would be made around the ear and end in the lower scalp. The fat around the area may be chiseled according to the details you have selected, and the underlying tissues would be adjusted.

Step 3: Closing The Incision

The incision would be closed with materials that may dissolve in a few days. Some surgeons chose to glue the skin with special care products, which hides the scars under the natural contour of the face and ear.

Benefits Of Facelift Surgery

A facelift procedure not only fixes the saggy skin but also rejuvenates your face for a fresh and young look. There are countless other benefits to this procedure that will help you make a better decision.

1. Reduces Signs Of Aging

The decline in your face's freshness is because of aging, sun, smoking, and many other problems that damage the tissues in your skin. A facelift surgery not only tightens the jawline but it also removes excess skin that has dried up, tightens underlying tissues and muscles while redraping the remaining skin for a smoother and brighter face. If you are tired of baggy eyes and scars on your face, then you can restore your youthful appearance in single facelift surgery.

2. Tightens Up The Skin

Fluctuation in weight can cause facial skin to stretch and start sagging. This creates a double chin effect on women. During a facelift procedure, the skin is separated from the muscle and the tissue in a process called "undermining." Once the muscles and tissues have been repositioned, the excess skin is trimmed off, giving you fresh and wrinkle-free skin.

Those who prefer good health and maintain their physique also care about wrinkles and aging effects. After all, time affects everyone, and even men want to look good too.

3. Get It With Other Procedures

Facelift surgery alone might not deliver the results you are expecting. To have a redesigned look and an appealing face, you must compliment your facelift surgery with other procedures. Many patients chose to undergo brows lift and eyelid surgery to fix baggy eyes and have a complete make-over. Pairing these procedures with your facelift surgery means that you won't have to go through the surgical room multiple times and avoid a longer recovery period as well.

4. Lastly, Men Also Reap Its Benefits

It might come off as a surprise, but men also apply for facelift procedures. According to the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), a facelift is one of the top five cosmetic procedures men are interested in having, and a staggering 10% of the facial procedure of 2017 were performed on men.