YIPS 2021

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How to Get Rid of Neck Fat and Sculpt Your Jawline

When we gain weight, fat can accumulate in different areas of the body. Some people tend to develop adipose deposits around the midline, others on the hips and buttocks, or the body's upper part. We can also accumulate fat at the face and neck level. Neck fullness can completely change our physiognomy and can literally add years to our face. The good news is that nowadays, we can target localized fat deposits such as the neck and chin with plastic surgery. Before diving right into treatment options for neck fat, let's have a look at what are its causes.

What Causes Fat Accumulation on the Neck and Chin?

There is a series of factors that can cause neck fullness, including some medical conditions. Among them, we can mention diet (weight gain) and a genetic predisposition.

Most frequently, it is the excess of weight that leads to neck fat. A diet rich in calories, processed foods, and unhealthy fats can contribute to weight gain and fat accumulating in different areas of the body, including the neck. If patients undergo a weight loss program and lose weight, they might notice that the fat neck is still there, despite their best efforts. This happens because it is difficult to target this specific area with physical exercises.

Genetic inheritance also plays an important role. If your family members have fat deposits at the neck level, the chances are that you might develop them too with aging or if weight gain occurs.

Even something as simple as the posture of the body can lead to fat accumulation on the neck. An incorrect posture of the body can, in time, weaken the muscles of the neck and chin. This can contribute to the occurrence of a double chin and a fat neck in time.

Get Rid of Neck Fat with Liposuction

Neck liposuction

If you want to get rid of neck fat and sculpt the jawline, the first thing you need to do is consider the causes. If it's weight gain, you might want to lose some weight before looking for other treatments. However, as we've mentioned before, in many cases, losing weight doesn't lead to a dramatic improvement in the aspect of the area. If you have a normal weight and are still bothered with neck fat, it's probably time to consider plastic surgery.

Neck liposuction is the procedure performed to eliminate the double chin and the fat deposits at the neck level. Neck lipo targets the fat deposits under the skin and efficiently contours the neck and jawline for spectacular results. After the intervention, you will have a well-defined neck and jawline and a more youthful overall aspect.

How is the Neck Lipo Performed?

Neck liposuction aims to remodel the neck area and eliminate unwanted fat deposits. This procedure is one of the most sought-after interventions lately as it can considerably transform the face aspect.

The procedure can be performed either with a local or general anesthetic, depending on the complexity of the intervention. The plastic surgeon performs small incisions in the neck area that are used to introduce a steel cannula. The cannula is connected to a medical vacuum device. The surgeon dislodges the fat with the help of the cannula, and the liquid fat is then suctioned into the device. Since the skin in the area is so delicate, the plastic surgeon needs to work with the utmost care when performing a neck lipo. This is why it is crucial for your procedure's success to choose an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon.

After the fat deposits are eliminated, the procedure is completed, and incisions are sutured. A talented plastic surgeon will make the incisions in the skin folds so they will be almost impossible to see by someone who doesn't know you had surgery.

The recovery process after the neck liposuction procedure doesn't take longer than a few days and up to a week. Patients need to be aware that they might experience bruising and swelling in the area, so don't schedule the procedure before an important event. Most patients can resume work within a day or two after the liposuction procedure was performed, but it depends on the type of work and the surgeon's recommendations for each patient.

Who is an Ideal Candidate for Neck Liposuction?

Men and women with adipose deposits at the neck level are good candidates for the neck liposuction procedure. However, just like it is the case with any other type of liposuction, the patient needs to have good skin tonus. Skin elasticity is essential to get the results you desire after the procedure is performed. If you have fat deposits on the neck and the skin is loose or saggy, the plastic surgeon might recommend associating liposuction with other procedures to sculpt the jawline.

Patients with severe or chronic health conditions are not suitable candidates for the neck lipo intervention.

Final Words

Liposuction on the neck and chin is frequently performed nowadays to help patients get rid of unwanted fat deposits in these areas. Neck lipo is the only efficient method to get rid of neck fat that was resistant to diets and exercises. The procedure is performed with local anesthesia in most cases, and the recovery period is of a few days.

Before the procedure is scheduled, the plastic surgeon will give you a list of things to do in preparation for the intervention and also what you should avoid during the recovery period. Following the surgeon's recommendations can ensure you have an uneventful recovery and get the best possible results after the intervention. To find out whether the neck lipo is the procedure recommended for you, schedule an appointment today with Dr. Essie Yates, board-certified plastic surgeon, at the Yates Institute for Plastic Surgery in Fort Lauderdale.