How to Prepare for a Tummy Tuck Surgery

When a healthy diet or exercise program is no longer helpful in eliminating abdominal fat deposits or improving the appearance of sagging skin and/or excess fat in the abdomen, the solution is a tummy tuck surgery or abdominoplasty medical terms.

The tummy tuck procedure is a popular surgical intervention that refers to the removal of skin and fat from the lower abdomen. It involves making a horizontal incision in the lower part and then taking off the tissues up to the upper abdomen.

Full abdominoplasty surgery can last between 2 and 5-6 hours, while a mini-abdominoplasty lasts between 1-2 hours.

What are the causes of abdominal deformity?

Pregnancy and especially multiple pregnancies cause the skin to stretch beyond its ability to retract and thinning and relaxing the right abdominal muscles.

Massive weight loss causes persistence of excess skin, along with abdominal wall laxity. 

What Are the Benefits of A Tummy Tuck

When performed correctly and under the supervision of competent medical staff, an abdominoplasty can bring many benefits to the patient:

Aesthetic benefits: 

- a flat tummy and a narrower waist;

- elimination of stretch marks from the sub umbilical area.

Psychological benefits

- increased energy and more self-confidence after getting a more pleasing appearance of the body;

- resumption of certain social activities.

Medical benefits

- improving the quality of life and general health (especially in patients who have undergone bariatric surgery).

- higher mobility.

I Am A Good Candidate for A Tummy Tuck Surgery? 

The ideal candidate for a tummy tuck is a person in good health and shape, with some deposits of excess fat and especially the skin on the abdomen. This situation occurs most frequently after pregnancy, as a result of stretching the abdominal muscles and skin well above the point of return to normal or after considerable weight loss.

Keep in mind that:

- Patients on a diet to lose weight should schedule the intervention after weight stabilization.

- Women who want to become pregnant will have to postpone the intervention after pregnancy.

- If you have scars from other abdominal procedures, a tummy tuck may be contraindicated.

Some factors that may influence the surgeon's decision regarding abdominoplasty include:

- the age of the patient and their general health condition;

- the size and shape of the abdomen, as well as the torso of the body;

- the localization of fat deposits on the tummy;

- the degree of skin elasticity and its general condition;

- other drug treatments administered to the patient.

What Your Surgeon Should Know

Talk openly to your doctor about your expectations and make sure you understand the procedure in detail and any risks you are taking. 

During your meeting, make sure you inform your surgeon of any of the following:

- Your surgery goals and expectations

- Any medical conditions you may currently have

- Known drug allergies

- Previous surgeries

- Lifestyle habits (smoking, drug use, alcohol)

- Potential surgical risks

What Are the Pre-Surgery Medical Investigations Needed?

Usually, only routine investigations and blood tests are required, attesting to the patient's biological status.

If the patient is diabetic, specific tests will be recommended to show that the condition is balanced. If the blood sugar is above 180 mg/dl, the operation will be postponed.

What To do Before a Tummy Tuck Surgery?

- Do not eat or drink anything the night before surgery;

- Two weeks before surgery, stop taking aspirin or other medications that may affect blood clotting; contraceptives should also be discontinued one month in advance;

- Surgery is performed outside the menstrual days;

- If you have medical problems (blood pressure, vascular disease, diabetes, epilepsy, allergies to various drugs, etc.), tell your surgeon;

- If you have a cold or suffer from any infection, especially a skin infection, surgery will be delayed;

- Avoid smoking at least one week before surgery, as well as sun or sun exposure;

- Avoid prolonged sun exposure before surgery, especially in the abdominal area. 

- Do not follow any diet before surgery, as healing may be delayed

Suppose you do not strictly follow the instructions received and do not tell your doctor about the issues presented above. In that case, you are exposed to special risks from an anesthetic-surgical point of view, which can be life-threatening.

The patient is usually hospitalized the day before or on the day of surgery. It is recommended that someone close to you comes to take you home after surgery.

When a Tummy Tuck Surgery is Not Recommended

There are a few situations when the tummy tuck surgery is not performed; these include:

- women who want to have more pregnancies.

- individuals who want to follow a big weight loss plan after the intervention;

- patients with unrealistic expectations;

- those who cannot cope with post-operative scars (some quite extensive);

- patients who have undergone other abdominal surgeries;

- heavy smokers.

What Not to Do After a Tummy Tuck Surgery?

To allow healing in optimal conditions, patients are recommended to follow healthy diet and lifestyle practices: 

- Diets for weight loss are not recommended immediately postoperatively.

- Avoid fermented cheeses, fried eggs, French fries, salted, smoked meat, with sauces, fried, smoked fish, bread, dried vegetables and dried fruits, fats, steaks, mayonnaise.

- Avoid showering until the wires are removed.

- Avoid intense physical exertion and lifting heavy objects.

- Sun exposure is not recommended for one year after surgery to prevent pigmentation of the scars.

Final Words

If the patient does not have large weight fluctuations, the effects can last 20 years, even longer, for a lifetime.

In addition to factors such as age, skin quality, elasticity, and fitness, in general, the longevity of the results obtained from an abdominoplasty depends on maintaining good health, stable weight, and self-control on nutrition.

In addition, the patient must make a commitment to a long-term diet and a regular physical activity program to tone the muscles, accelerate healing and prevent the reformation of adipose tissue.


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