Never Do this Before Your Plastic Surgery Intervention

Once you decided to resort to plastic surgery to enhance the aspect of your body or face, you should know that the success of the intervention is not entirely in the hands of the plastic surgeon playing out the procedure. What you do to prepare for the intervention, as well as your attitude and actions during the recovery period can have a significant impact on the results you achieve and even on the healing process. 

Specific lifestyle changes such as having a balanced and healthy diet can be beneficial before plastic surgery interventions as they can speed up healing. However, the preparation for the surgery is not only about the physical aspects, but also the emotional ones. 

Your plastic surgeon will give you all the information you need before setting up the date of the procedure. Make sure never to do this before your plastic surgery intervention:

Hide Things from Your Plastic Surgeon 

If there is one thing that is never wise to do, this is hiding things from your doctor. The plastic surgeon doesn’t need to know you had chickenpox when you were five years old. Still, he or she needs to know if you have diabetes, hepatitis, or other chronic conditions, about your allergies and the family medical history – if this is relevant for the procedure you are planning to undergo. Good communication with the plastic surgeon can keep you safe during and after the intervention and help you get the results you desire after the procedure is performed. Make sure to be as honest as possible with your surgeon and answer all the questions on the forms; it is for your own benefit! 

Take Pills without Your Doctors’ Consent Two Weeks before the Surgery


During the pre-operative consultation, you should discuss your medication with the plastic surgeon as it might need to be adjusted in the weeks before the procedure. Mention also if you are taking natural supplements, you might be surprised to find out that even these can cause problems during and after the surgery. For example, medication containing aspirin and some anti-inflammatory ingredients, as well as some natural supplements with ginseng or garlic, can have an effect on the blood flow. If you take them in the two weeks before the surgery, it might lead to excessive bleeding during or after the procedure, and this is definitely something we are trying to avoid.  


You should quit smoking; it’s not good for your health! But you have probably heard this already before. What you might not know is how smoking can affect the recovery period after surgical intervention. Smoking delays the healing process and is associated with several quite severe complications such as skin necrosis, delayed wound healing, wound dehiscence, and others. The recommendation is to quit smoking at least two to three weeks before the procedure’s date and remain a non-smoker for the same amount of time post-op. This way, you eliminate potential risks that could otherwise trigger significant consequences on your health and the surgery results. 

Focus on the Negative

Most patients experience a certain level of anxiety before a complex plastic surgery intervention, such as breast augmentation or the tummy tuck. This is natural. However, you should avoid focusing on the negative in the weeks before the procedure. There are risks and complications associated with any intervention, and the plastic surgeon will tell you what to expect and how they can be prevented. But keeping a positive attitude can be the key to a fast and uneventful recovery and getting satisfactory results after the surgery. So, if you are tempted to jump online on forums to read comments about botched plastic surgery just days before your procedure, better focus on something else. Once you made the decision to go on with the procedure, optimism will help you get where you want to be! Emotional preparation is just as important as physical preparation before a plastic surgery intervention. 

Plan Important Events or Activities Shortly after the Surgery

The recovery period after plastic surgery is indeed much shorter now than it was years ago. However, this doesn’t mean it’s wise to schedule the breast augmentation surgery a few weeks before your wedding date. Your plastic surgeon will tell you about what to expect in terms of the recovery period. It can take up to two or three weeks for patients to resume all normal activities after undergoing complex procedures. Sports and more strenuous activities are to be avoided for months in some cases – the tummy tuck, for example. You should also consider that there are some normal side effects that can occur after most procedures, such as bruising and swelling. You don’t want to attend an important event while still dealing with these, right? 

More than this, if you are undergoing procedures such as breast augmentation or the tummy tuck and you are the primary caretaker for children or elderly people, you might want to ask a family member or friend to help with chores for a few days after the intervention is performed.

Final Words

Undergoing plastic surgery interventions have never been more affordable, accessible, or safe than it is nowadays. However, there are things to avoid if you’ve scheduled your intervention, just to make sure you are on the safe side. A talented, board-certified plastic surgeon can help you get all the information you need and make the right decisions when it comes to preparing for the surgery and the recovery period. 


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