Procedures to Combine with a Breast Reduction

Suppose you have finally decided to take one step forward and book an appointment at your plastic surgeon's office for breast reduction surgery. But you would like a considerable improvement in terms of your appearance. What procedures can you combine with breast reduction?

For example, you can get a breast reduction and a tummy tuck at the same time. Or a breast reduction and a thigh lift. It all depends on the "problem" areas you want to address through cosmetic surgery.

Below are some of the most common surgical procedures requested by patients who go through breast reduction surgery.

Abdominoplasty with Breast Reduction

Abdominoplasty is a surgical intervention that is usually used when we have to deal with considerable fat deposits on the abdomen (protruding belly) or with that excess of skin following gastric sleeve or other bariatric procedures. 

Abdominoplasty is the most common aesthetic intervention in post-bariatric surgery performed after stomach reduction. 

A tummy tuck is a solution if you are experiencing:

  • Excess sagging, loose abdominal skin

  • Protruding belly, which is disproportionate to the rest of the body

  • Flabby abdominal muscles due to multiple pregnancies or old age

  • Excess fat concentrated under the skin of the abdomen

This surgery is not recommended for those with minor aesthetic problems who wish to reduce fat deposits surgically instead of adopting a healthy diet. 

Exceptions: cases when a quick result is needed or when diet, sport, and non-invasive remodeling treatments (localized slimming body radiofrequency) do not give results.

Good to know:

  • If you plan to become pregnant or follow a weight loss diet, you should inform your surgeon of these plans.

  • Abdominal scars from previous surgery may limit the results of the abdominoplasty.

Combining Tummy Tuck with Breast Reduction

There are two types of tummy tucks surgeries: partial or total. 

  • Only the abdominal tissues below the navel are remodeled and mobilized during partial abdominoplasty while the navel remains in place. It may be associated with liposuction of the upper abdomen and/or flanks.

  • Total abdominoplasty is only done if there is exaggerated laxity in the upper abdominal tissues (above the navel), and therefore a total correction of the abdomen is needed, and the navel will be repositioned accordingly.

Total abdominoplasty is a more complex surgery often associated with liposuction and lipectomy. 

Circumferential Liposuction

Circumferential liposuction defines a series of surgical interventions of removing stubborn fat deposits in the abdomen, skin in the waist, or thighs.

One of the most common circumferential lipo surgeries is the liposuction of the thighs. 

Liposuction of the thighs is useful for removing excess fat that otherwise cannot be removed. Liposuction of this kind is performed on the lower, anterior and outer thighs.

Much more important than a major circumferential reduction in the anterior thigh area is achieving an aesthetic and smooth appearance of the skin in this region. 

Excessive liposuction in this region of the thigh can result in unsightly irregularities in the integument. Thus, removal of more than 60% of the fatty tissue under the skin in the anterior thigh area will not be recommended by the specialist.

Circumferential liposuction of the thighs should be performed in several sessions to avoid too prolonged edema in the legs and calves. 

Thigh Liposuction:

  • Women often request liposuction of the inner thighs as it greatly improves body contour. In some cases, even male patients have liposuction. The inner thigh and knee regions can often be treated in the same session, with most patients experiencing fat deposits along the entire area. Treating these areas separately could result in the appearance of bumps in the intermediate areas where liposuction was not performed.

  • Regarding liposuction of the outer thighs, it is important to note that not infrequently, excess fat in the hip and thigh area is caused by genetic factors. In such circumstances, diet and exercise will not be enough to eliminate fat.

  • Liposuction of the outer thighs is recommended to be performed in conjunction with liposuction of the buttocks and upper thighs. If only the outer thighs are treated, ignoring the excess fat in the lower buttock and upper thighs could lead to disproportionality.

Modern techniques for performing liposuction ensure a reduced convalescence period and rapid healing. Inflammation and tenderness of the treated areas are greatly reduced, and post-operative care is designed so that patients do not need outside assistance. Compression tights are indicated for increased safety and comfort.

Thigh Lift with Breast Reduction

Lipo surgery can remove excess fat deposits, but it cannot remove excess skin. Therefore, a thigh lift may be necessary to remove excess fat and skin from the thighs, posterior and inner areas. This lift strengthens and tones the contour of the legs. 

After sudden and massive weight loss, skin can hang and sag in the inner thigh area and needs to be removed. It is important to remember that sometimes the incision (scar) can be hidden in the groin area (hidden in the briefs), but if the excess is considerable, it can extend from the groin area to the knees on the inner thighs. The stretch marks on the thighs will also be partially removed during the surgery.

This procedure is performed under general anesthesia and usually lasts between 1 and 3 hours. Before the anesthesia is installed, marks are drawn on your thighs with a marker. 

Several techniques depend on patient specifics:

  • For a moderate amount of excess fat, with no excess skin, liposuction is sufficient, and the incisions will be small and hidden by lingerie.

  • For excess skin located in the suprapubic area, the procedure requires only a limited incision and camouflaged in the bikini line.

  • However, for large excess of skin and fat, often after weight loss, the incision extends along the entire inner side of the thigh, from the groin area to near the knee, depending on the excess skin.

Final Words

Plastic surgery is increasingly affordable and fashionable. However, before deciding to have such a surgery, it is good to know all the risks involved. 

The success of plastic surgery depends not only on the "hand" and experience of the surgeon but also on your genetic background, age and lifestyle. 

Last but not least, the equipment of the clinic where you go for surgery and the materials used by the plastic surgeon are important. The more modern they are, the faster the healing process.


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