YIPS 2021

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What to Expect From a Breast Reduction Surgery

If you have large breasts, and they make you uncomfortable during physical activities, you find it hard to find clothes, and they frequently give you back pain, you might need breast reduction surgery.

Breast reduction is a surgical procedure for women with large, heavy, sagging breasts that cause pain in the shoulder area, difficulty breathing, and irritation of the skin under the breasts (dermatitis, eczema, and mycosis).

Although the most common cause of excessive breast enlargement is being overweight, there are cases in which young girls of average weight may have disproportionate breast size compared to the rest of the body.

In all these situations, surgical breast reduction is useful and improves appearance, complications (back pain, irritation), ability to make an effort (sport), and most importantly: increases self-confidence. 

Is Breast Reduction Surgery Risky?

Breast reduction/breast reduction surgery is not risky. Every year thousands of women undergo breast reduction with minimal complications. One of the most important parts of the consultation is discussing possible complications.

Similar to other surgical interventions, breast reduction may come with potential risks, such as bleeding, infection, asymmetry - being the most common. But these incidents are very rare, and all these issues will be discussed with your plastic surgeon during the initial consultation.

Breast reduction surgery cannot be performed when: 

  • Breasts are still growing

  • The patient is still breastfeeding or has not been breastfeeding for at least six months.

What to Know Before Breast Reduction Surgery?

During your pre-surgery medical appointment, the plastic surgeon will present all aspects of the breast reduction surgery, the postoperative recovery period, the future shape of the breasts, the route of future postoperative scars, and scar mitigation procedures if necessary.

He/she will assess your health for any illnesses, allergies, medications you are taking. Afterward, you will be recommended a breast ultrasound/mammogram and blood tests.

Before the Breast Reduction Surgery:

  • Do not take any anti-inflammatory drugs for at least 14 days.

  • Stop using contraceptive pills 4-6 weeks before surgery because they increase the risk of complications (blood clots).

  • Do not get excessively exposed to the sun; preferably avoid sun exposure altogether a few days before the surgery.

  • Stop or at least reduce the number of cigarettes smoked per day - it hinders the healing process, and complications may occur.

  • You can't have breast reduction surgery performed during your menstrual cycle.

  • On the day of the surgery, do not eat or drink anything for at least 6 hours before.

  • It is recommended to avoid gel nails or nail polish because they interfere with the anesthesia. It is also advisable not to use body creams on the day of the surgery.

How Is Breast Reduction Surgery Performed?

During the surgery, small portions of the mammary gland, skin, and related fat are removed, bringing the breast to a size proportional to the rest of the body. It is the reverse of breast augmentation surgery. 

The areolae can also be reduced and repositioned since, in most cases, they end up being positioned downwards.

The surgery takes on average 3 hours but can take up to 5 hours, depending on how many corrections are needed. 

The surgery is performed under general anesthesia. The reduction procedure involves the excision of larger or smaller portions of the mammary gland, the subareolar skin tissue, and the associated fat.

How Do You Feel after Surgery? 

After surgery, you will wake up in a special recovery room. Special medication will keep the pain under control. You feel no actual pain, just pressure in your chest.

In some cases, you will be fitted with suction drainage tubes located under your breasts to prevent fluid build-up. Your breasts will be dressed in an elastic bandage.

From the day of the surgery, you will be encouraged to move around at least a little bit. The discomfort you will feel in the following days will be kept under control by appropriate medication. 

Although each body heals differently, some general guidelines can be drawn: 

In the first week post Breast Reduction:

  • Drainage tubes will be removed.

  • You will resume movement, sometimes even return to work.

7-8 Weeks post Breast Reduction:

  • Bruising, edema and periodic discomfort will disappear.

  • The sensitivity of the areola and nipples gradually improves.

  • You resume normal daily activities as well as some medium-intensity exercise.

3-4 Months after Breast Reduction:

  • Breasts will take on a more natural shape

  • Scars will begin to fade.

  • You will notice the disappearance of the neck, back, and shoulder pain.

How Long Does Post-Surgery Scarring Persist?

The final result of breast reduction can be correctly evaluated one year after breast reduction surgery.

Frequently, the scars have a pink and swollen appearance in the first months postoperatively but then become whitish and less visible. The scars depend a lot on how each patient heals, and sometimes, unfortunately, they can become white, white, or brown.

The final color and size (length and width) of these scars are not entirely predictable due to individual variations. If they are very visible and 1-2 years postoperatively, surgical intervention can be performed by repositioning them.

How to Take Care of Yourself after Surgery? 

  • Sexual activity can be resumed even after the first week after surgery, provided that the breasts are not strained.

  • After the first week after the surgery, you can take your first shower with care in the breast area and warm water.

  • You should wear the special corset permanently for two months, and then for another 1-2 months (if necessary) only during intense physical activities.

  • After the breast reduction surgery, check-ups with the doctor are mandatory, and the plastic surgeon determines their frequency according to the patient's specific needs.

Final Words

Generally, the breasts do not return to their original shape, but changes may occur if a pregnancy occurs or if there is a substantial weight gain. 

Breast reduction surgery can be associated in some cases (at the same or a later stage) with breast augmentation with breast implants and breast lift (mastopexy)

Any breast reduction surgery is accompanied by a breast lift to reposition the breast areola and lift the breast.