How Painful Is Labiaplasty?

Labiaplasty surgery is a standard genital plastic surgery among women seeking vulvar rejuvenation. The surgical procedure involves reducing the size of the labia minora, the two portions of skin located at the vaginal entrance.

Most women request labiaplasty surgery because:

  • Experience functional discomfort during physical activities such as running, cycling, etc.

  • Experience insecurities about sexual activity due to discomfort

  • Desires a more natural appearance and a more symmetrical shape and are dissatisfied with the current shape

  • Experience lack of comfort when wearing tight-fitting clothes - tights, swimwear, etc.

Many women who think about undergoing this genital cosmetic surgery wonder if the procedure is painful. Further in this article, we will answer this question and other frequently asked questions about labiaplasty surgery.

Labiaplasty - A Spike in Popularity

The world's most popular cosmetic procedures are breast implants and rhinoplasties. Still, lately, women do not neglect less exposed areas, such as the genital area.

The first labiaplasty was performed in 1983; this procedure has grown tremendously in popularity over the decades.

According to The Aesthetic Society, in 2021, in the United States alone, cosmetic surgery clinics have reported an increase of 36% in labiaplasties compared to 2020.

Women in their 20s and 40s usually have this procedure, but there are no age restrictions.

Before opting for any surgical procedure, it's best to ask as many questions as possible to see if this surgery is right for you or not.

When and Why Should You Have a Labiaplasty? 

The genital area is no longer taboo, so more women are turning to corrective procedures. But labiaplasty remains a sensitive subject for most women. Understandably, there are some reservations, but female patients must understand that labiaplasty is the solution to eliminate the discomfort, frustration, and self-doubt built over time.

Women seek this procedure for both aesthetic and functional reasons. Unfortunately, the causes of this hypertrophy of labia tissue are still unknown. Still, there is some certainty that hormonal and hereditary factors are involved.

The decision to have this surgery done must be based on prior documentation and consultation with a healthcare professional to ensure that all aspects of the surgery are known and understood.

 Is Labiaplasty Going to Affect My Ability to Give Birth?

Labiaplasty does not affect a woman's ability to become pregnant or give birth through vaginal delivery. 

On the contrary, this procedure can grow a woman’s chance of becoming pregnant as it increases the level of comfort and pleasure during sexual intercourse.

Is It Recommended to Have Labiaplasty Before Giving Birth?

Yes, especially if the physical or emotional distress is significant. Living with impediments that can be resolved quickly in a doctor's office makes no sense. After labiaplasty, a patient's self-image alteration is corrected.

Keep in mind that labiaplasty cannot be performed in any the following situations: 

  • Patients who have not yet reached the age of 18

  • During menstruation

  • During pregnancy

What Anesthesia Is Used for Labiaplasty?

For labiaplasty, numbing cream and local anesthesia are usually preferred. However, there are also cases when the surgery is performed under general anesthesia, depending on the anatomical complexity or patient preference. All details are discussed with your surgeon in the pre-operative consultation.

How Painful Is Labiaplasty? 

During the surgery, Dr. Sanam Zahedi and her staff will ensure that you do not feel any pain. However, once the anesthesia wears off, there will be some tenderness and pain, as with any surgical procedure. Rest assured that you will receive the necessary medication to make you as comfortable as possible in the recovery weeks.

In the aftercare and recovery stage, the recommendation is not to have intercourse for about 4 weeks and avoid saddles of any kind (horses or bicycles) for 8 weeks. Letting the tissue heal entirely before engaging in these activities is best. Detailed aftercare instructions will be provided in the post-surgical consultations.

Understanding that recovery time is different for each patient, depending on how much they have followed the post-operatory medical care instructions is essential.

While no one likes to feel pain - especially in a delicate area like the vagina and labia - most women who have had this procedure done are so happy with the result that they feel it was all worth it.

For How Long is Sexual Contact Prohibited?

As with any surgery, there is a designated amount of time destined for healing. For labiaplasties, sexual contact is to be avoided for at least 4 weeks.

Will My Sexual Partner Feel Any Change After Labiaplasty?

If the reduction of the labia minora is significant and the excess tissue is removed, your sexual partner will undoubtedly feel the difference, and there is no reason to interfere with sexual activity.

Also, the aesthetic appearance and symmetry obtained after the procedure will be reported as a positive fact by the sexual partner.

How Long Do I Have to Wait to See the Results?

It depends on the complexity of the procedure or if there is a combination of procedures. Generally, after the surgery, there is some local swelling and bruising, but this will disappear in about 1-2 weeks.

Will There Be Any Significant Scarring?

The healing process depends a great deal on personal care. Due to the fine sutures used for the procedure, small scars are produced, but they are not visible.

Dr. Sanam Zahedi and her staff will try to keep them as small as possible, so they are hardly noticeable. If a scar revision is needed, it will usually be performed 3 months from the date of surgery (to leave time for the scars to mature).

What Are the Risks and Complications That May Occur?

The potential risks that patients are informed about are bleeding, infection, scarring, loss of sensation, and asymmetry. Most patients however are happy with the results and have a smooth postoperative course.  Surgical risks and complications are covered in detail during a consultation.

Loss of sensation refers to potential partial numbness of the skin at the incision. However, these sensations improve and usually disappear in the healing process.

In terms of asymmetry, this might happen due to asymmetric swelling, or it might be pre-existent in some patients.

Local reactions (edema, irritation, discomfort) are standard in the first days after surgery and disappear spontaneously. If these local reactions or complications concern you, contact your surgeon.

Final Words

Labiaplasty is a surgical procedure to improve the appearance of the genital area. The procedure involves reducing the size of the labia and correcting the shape. Most women undergo this procedure because of the functional and aesthetic discomfort they experience. Labiaplasty is the solution to eliminate the anxiety and insecurity caused by this problem.

If you are interested in this procedure, you can trust the medical services offered by Dr. Sanam Zahedi from Yates Institute of Plastic Surgery in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

Schedule now a consultation, and Dr. Sanam Zahedi will be at your service for any questions about the procedure and the results, offering you the right solution.


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