Is Labiaplasty Covered by Insurance?

Labiaplasty is one of the most commonly requested vaginal plastic surgery procedures in the United States. The most common reasons for patients to get the surgery include elongated, asymmetrical, or hyperpigmented labial tissue. 

Less commonly, patients will request labial tissue repair following vaginal birth. From a cosmetic perspective, a thorough examination of the labia minora is necessary to determine the degree of hypertrophy, hyperpigmentation, and asymmetry that may be present.

The appearance of labia minora naturally varies from woman to woman. Some women desire labiaplasty for cosmetic reasons only. Others may also suffer from discomfort or pain.

Regardless of why women choose to have labiaplasty, the question remains: is labiaplasty covered by health insurance?

Does Insurance cover Labiaplasty?

In general, health insurance does not cover labiaplasty surgery. Insurance companies are the ones who determine whether a surgical procedure is medically necessary or just for cosmetic reasons. 

The assessment involves classifying the surgery as reconstructive or purely cosmetic. 

- Reconstructive surgery is correcting an abnormal body structure to improve appearance or function

- Aesthetic surgery is considered to reshape or improve normal body structures. This includes many types of cosmetic surgery to improve the patient's physical appearance and increase self-esteem

In the case of a labiaplasty, since it is performed to improve a normal body shape for aesthetic purposes, insurance companies will often classify the procedure as "cosmetic" rather than "medical."

When To Consider Labiaplasty?

Even though labiaplasty is not "necessary" in the classical sense, it is a choice for more and more women. Both for cosmetic reasons and, in some cases, for causes of discomfort. It is no wonder that labiaplasty is one of the surgical procedures in increasing demand worldwide in recent years.

The decision to undergo labiaplasty should be made after thorough research so that every potential patient understands both the benefits and potential risks of the surgery. There are also situations where labiaplasty surgery is not recommended for a particular patient, so a discussion with a medical specialist is recommended.

The most common reasons to get the labiaplasty surgery are: 

- Being unhappy with your appearance: your labia are too large, too long, dark (hyperpigmented), and asymmetrical

- Not feeling comfortable during sexual activity/ embarrassed because of the appearance of your labia

- Feeling uncomfortable when wearing tight-fitting clothing in the genital area (bathing suit, underwear, tights, etc.) because the labia are too prominent, and their outline or shape is visible

- Experiencing pain or discomfort during specific activities/exercise/clothing

- Suffering due to pain or discomfort during sexual intercourse

- Being bothered during prolonged sitting or walking

- Being bothered by the multi-directional flow of urine

Is Having a Labiaplasty Risky?

Labiaplasty is not a risky procedure, but the plastic surgeon must have experience and knowledge of this procedure, as the area is very sensitive. Most surgeries are performed under local anesthesia or general sedation; patients can leave the clinic a few hours after the surgery.

Like any surgery, labiaplasty has some potential risks, the most common of which are: bleeding, infection, and asymmetry. But these incidents are very rare, and all these issues will be discussed with Dr. Sanam Zahedi during the initial consultation.

What To Know Before Surgery?

Before the labiaplasty surgery, the patient will provide the surgeon with relevant information on issues such as:

-         General physical health - following examinations, the specialist will decide whether or not the surgery is suitable for the patient

-         Medical history - it is necessary for the surgeon to know before the labiaplasty whether a patient has had similar or other surgeries, is undergoing specific treatments, has allergies to different substances, etc.

-         Mental health is important - it is not easy for a woman to decide to have plastic surgery, especially one that is performed in the genital area. The specialist needs to know that the patient is rational and that her decision has been carefully considered

The patient also needs to understand that although she will undergo labiaplasty, emotional issues about this aspect or associated insecurities and self-doubt may not disappear overnight. Therefore, the patient needs to be sure to have realistic expectations and patience.

Labiaplasty surgery is not related to the size or other characteristics of the vagina. To change aspects of the vagina, a completely different surgery is performed. Patients must be well informed to know whether their wishes and the possible surgery results are a good match.

What Happens on The Day of The Surgery?

Labiaplasty surgery is performed under local or total anesthesia, depending on the patient's preference.

Patients should take 1000mg of Tylenol an hour before the scheduled surgery. The procedure can last 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the nature and complexity of the patient's case. Once the procedure is complete, you will be taken into the recovery room and can go home the same day.

It is indicated to be accompanied at the clinic by someone who can drive you back home safely. 

Complete pre-operative and post-operative information is provided during our clinic's initial consultation with Dr. Sanam Zahedi.

How Is the Recovery After Labiaplasty?

Labiaplasty is usually performed in the office, and patients are discharged on the day of the surgery. They return to the doctor's office for a post-operative consultation. Patients receive pain medication and anti-inflammatories and can usually return to work within a week. 

However, full recovery takes about 6-8 weeks and depends on each patient's healing process.

Due to the very fine absorbable sutures used for labiaplasty, there is usually minimal scarring that cannot be seen because it is hidden in the folds and creases of the labia. Local edema and bruising are common in the first two weeks after this surgery.

During the recovery period, patients should:

- Avoid sexual contact for the first four weeks

- Avoid using tampons in the first four weeks

- Avoid saddles of any kind (horses or bicycles) for eight weeks

- Take a week off after the surgery and only light activity in the first two weeks

- Avoid taking baths in the first four weeks, only showers

- Avoid smoking or alcohol consumption, preferably in the first ten days after surgery

- Avoid tight clothing or underwear in the first weeks after surgery

- Keep rigorous intimate hygiene to avoid potential infections

When Will I See the Results, And How Long Will They Last?

Cosmetic labiaplasty surgeries have a high satisfaction rate of over 90%. The results are immediate and permanent.

Final Words

Patient expectations for the results of this procedure should be realistic. Through labiaplasty surgery, the genitals will return to a normal appearance. In most cases, the scar is hardly detectable at the end of the healing process (the complete scar maturation process takes six months), and most patients are very satisfied with the result.

If you are concerned about the external appearance of your intimate area and are unhappy with how you look in tight-fitting clothing or how you feel during sexual activities, let us help you. 

Call our office at 954.983.1899 and schedule a consultation with Dr. Sanam Zahedi, our top plastic surgeon from the Yates Institute of Plastic Surgery, Fort Lauderdale, Florida.


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