YIPS 2021

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Neck lift recovery week by week

The neck area is very important to the overall appearance of the body, especially considering the fact that it can show signs of aging quite early in life and even for people in their 30s or 40s. Neck skin sagginess can affect women and men at the same time, and it can be corrected with the help of neck lift surgery. 

The neck lift procedure aims to reduce excess skin and rejuvenate the contour and appearance of the neck skin by reducing sagging skin and eliminating the so-called “turkey neck” folds.  

Patient preparation for neck lift surgery

  • Two weeks before the surgery, aspirin and anti-inflammatory medication containing this substance are forbidden

  • In general, the surgery should be performed outside the menstrual period

  • In case of a cold or infection in the body, the surgery must be postponed

  • Avoid intense exposure to the sun before the surgery

  • Do not follow a drastic diet before surgery as it may delay healing

Post-surgery recovery time

If you want to know what the recovery time after a neck lift surgery is, let’s dive right into the most important details.

Recovery week 1

Patients that undergo a neck lift procedure are usually kept in the hospital for only the day of the surgery. This is to ensure that after surgery, there are no allergic reactions to the anesthetic or any other health issues. After that, the patient is discharged to go home. 

The effects of medications used during surgery usually linger until day 2. Once these effects are gone, patients will start to feel a certain soreness and mild pain and discomfort. 

At this point, patients should follow the recommendation provided by the medical staff: take medication as instructed, do not put ice on the swollen neck, sleep on your back to avoid pressure on the operated area, and do not press your face. 

On day three of the first week of recovery, patients are usually called back to the doctor’s office to have a routine medical checkup. For the rest of the week, patients need to relax, eat healthy foods and avoid intense physical exercise

Recovery week 2

In the second week of post-surgical recovery, patients are allowed to be more active. This is the time when some people go back to work, re-engaging in their day-to-day activities. 

However, it is best to be cautious, mental and physical stress to be avoided, and give your body time to heal. 

Recovery week 3

In the next weeks following neck lift surgery, any scaring and bruises will steadily heal and disappear. Now is the time when patients are allowed to touch the neck skin without any problem. 

Potential risks and complications 

  • Swelling and bruising that may last for several days after surgery

  • Tingling sensation, burning, or stretching

  • Feeling of numbness

These reactions are considered normal if they happen in the first weeks after surgery. Patients must be aware that, as with other surgeries, the risk of infection exists.  

It is important to detect any sign of infection (a rising body temperature is the first sign) and alert your doctor immediately if that happens.