Top 3 most common plastic surgery procedures (facelift, liposuction, breast augmentation)

There are several reasons behind people’s choice to resort to plastic surgery interventions. Before anything else, it’s about looking more attractive. In the age of body positivity, we still have certain beauty standards that we want to meet. It could be more voluptuous breasts, perkier breasts, a wrinkle-free face, or an improved body contour. Whatever the beauty trends might be, the aspect of our bodies has a certain influence on how we behave, the choices we make professionally, socially, and personally. For example, some people choose to avoid certain clothes and even events or activities (going to the pool or the beach) because they are not happy with their bodies and don’t want to show it. Most of the time, it’s all about small imperfections such as turkey neck, excessive fat at the midline level, or saggy breasts.

Let’s check out the top 3 most common plastic surgery procedures and why people undergo these interventions together.


We’ll start with a procedure targeting the face – the most visible feature of the body, one we cannot hide. A facelift is one of the most sought-after procedures worldwide, as people want to erase the signs of aging or at least slow down the aging process for a while.

There are different types of facelift, and, in some cases, the plastic surgeon might even recommend combining this procedure with a neck lift or chin liposuction to get superior results. Another procedure that can be associated with a facelift is blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery). Patients might want to get multiple procedures in one operative setting to reduce the overall costs and get better results.

The procedure is played out to rejuvenate the face. After the procedure is performed, the skin looks firmer, with fewer wrinkles and refreshed.

Women and men alike are undergoing the procedure intending to look younger. Multiple factors such as excessive sun exposure, an unbalanced diet, certain habits (smoking, for example), and even genetic inheritance can leave marks at the level of the face rather soon in life for some people. This is the reason why people as young as 35-40 years old get a facelift.

The results of the intervention are long-lasting; however, patients need to understand that the aspect of the face undergoes transformations again with the passing of time or under the effect of external and internal factors.


Since we talked about erasing the signs of aging, well, this is not something we do only at the level of the face. Liposuction, for example, is one of the procedures performed at the level of different areas of the body to get rid of unwanted fat deposits and refine the contours of the body. 

Fat accumulation around the midline is often seen as a sign of aging. Also, as we age, it gets more and more difficult to get rid of stubborn fat deposits. This is the reason why some people might consider the liposuction intervention to get a youthful-looking body once again.

But liposuction is not only performed on people over a certain age. Since there is no such thing as localized weight loss, liposuction is the only efficient method we have available to slim down specific areas of the body. For example, there are people with a normal weight, fit and firm but affected by fat deposits in areas such as the knees, calves, hips, midline. A weight-loss diet or an exercise plan would address the whole body, resulting in weight loss in other areas of the body, too, not only where the fat deposits are in excess. In other words, it could happen to lose volume from the breasts when undergoing a diet to get a slimmer waist. And nobody wants this, right?

The unique results that can be achieved only with this intervention make liposuction one of the most wanted plastic surgery procedures in the world. If you are interested in undergoing this popular procedure, you should know that the intervention is only indicated to people with good skin tones. If you don’t have good skin tones, the skin’s ability to retract on the new contours of the area might be affected, and skin sagging might occur.

Breast augmentation

Last but not least, we get to the breast area and one of the most desired plastic surgery interventions – the boob job! It doesn’t really need an introduction – the breast augmentation procedure is performed to increase the volume of the breasts to be more proportionate to the rest of the body. Since larger breasts have always been considered a symbol of femininity and sex appeal, there is no wonder why more and more women are interested in undergoing the procedure each year.

Breast augmentation surgery is performed with implants. Nowadays, patients can choose the implants with 3D/ AR breast augmentation imagining. You could actually see the results you can achieve with the intervention before getting the boob job. This helps a lot, especially since getting satisfactory results is essential for each patient.

The breast augmentation procedure is performed using different techniques. You will find out all the details about the potential risks and complications and the placement of the implants and the incisions during the initial consultation with the plastic surgeon.

Final words

Undergoing plastic surgery to enhance the aspect of the face and body is popular nowadays. People resort to different procedures to correct imperfections, improve proportions and get a more youthful-looking, sexy appearance.

The top 3 most common plastic surgery interventions are facelift, liposuction, and breast augmentation. Each one can deliver spectacular results when performed by a talented, board-certified plastic surgeon. And, of course, when the patient is committed to following the indications.


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